I love my Facebook group, Ashlee Brotzell Designs.
I created it just over a year ago when I started designing crochet patterns. As a designer I suddenly wasn’t allowed to post in a lot of the groups I was in. It was, and still is, a bit of a sore spot. It makes me sad not being able to contribute to a conversation on a topic I love simply because I love it so much that I decided to create my own patterns.
So, now I have my own group where I can post everything I am working on. I also have a Facebook page and an instagram page and a ravelry group, but I am most active in the Facebook group.
Besides being a great place to see my newest patterns as they come out and sometimes see a sneak peak of things before they come out, it is also a great place to get advice on yarn choices or meet some new friends who love crocheting too!
I have created albums for most of my patterns so you can see a few color options and sometimes see the difference between the two techniques all my patterns are written for: interlocking crochet and overlay mosaic crochet.
But, it seems that these albums are not as easy to use as one would hope.
Mobile / Tablet
One issue is that the screens look different based on whether you are accessing the group on your desktop/laptop or on a mobile device like your smartphone or tablet.
This is is how I access the albums on my phone:
Choose, “More”, “View Group Info”, “Photos”, and then choose an album.

Choose the three dots, “More” and from the drop-down menu, choose “View Group Info”
Choose “Photos” (the number of photos in the group will probably keep increasing!)
Here are a list of albums! You have to scroll down and choose to load more if you want to see earlier designs. I find that slightly difficult on my phone actually. It is easier on the desktop.
When you choose an album you will see the description I have given the album and you may notice that the comments are all turned off but you can still add your own photos!
Comments are turned off on the albums, but you can click on an individual image and comment on that image. In the album description, I try to put the links to my blog post about each pattern and sometimes also the ravelry or etsy link. Those links can also be found in my blog post, so the information is kind of everywhere.
The steps are basically the same on my laptop, but the screen looks a bit different. Also, your screen might be slightly different because you aren’t the admin so I am pretty sure I have some extra things that you can’t see.
Choose, “More” from the menu bar, then choose “Media” from the drop down menu. Select “Albums” instead of seeing all the photos at once, and then choose an album!
Choose “More” from the menu bar. It will have a drop down menu – choose “Media”. I tried to screenshot with the menu visible but I am apparently not that technologically advanced.
You may have to scroll down to see older designs. Some albums are bundled to include more than one design – for example, all of the gnomes are in one album.
Once you’ve selected an album you will see that comments are turned off but there’s a blue button that says “Add Photos/Videos”. Plus, if you click on a photo in an album you can leave a comment for the maker there!
I hope this helps! I sometimes forget to create an album for my new patterns, but eventually I get it done. *embarassed grin*
Remember, you can find a list of all my patterns here: ashleeslint.com/patterns
Most of my patterns are on Ravelry (a few of the Dr Who ones are not).
Some of my patterns are on Etsy (let me know if you need something on a non-ravelry platform).
And all of my social links are here: linktr.ee/LFMandMosaic