Announcement: Chart Update for Brotzell Tiger King

This will be a quick entry. I have just updated ‘Brotzell Tiger King‘ (click here for more details on this pattern).

Interlocking Crochet Option

Nothing has changed with the interlocking file.

Overlay Mosaic Crochet Option

The mosaic file used to be a written pattern and then a multi-page chart.

It now includes a one-page chart as well.

The one-page charts are better for viewing on a screen (computer, tablet, etc) whereas the multi-page charts are better for printing.

Lately I’ve been including both options but some of my patterns have only one or the other option of chart size.

Other Pattern Updates

Please contact me if you need a pattern updated! I plan on getting to them all eventually but if there’s something you’re working on and it isn’t a good format then just let me know so I can fix it!

Also, if you purchased this pattern on Etsy you’ll need to email me with your order number to receive the new file. Ravelry has been updated already.

This stunning black and white version of Brotzell Tiger King used in the header photo and shown again here was crocheted by Chantal Doiron and is displayed on a full size bed.

Click here to return to the main blog entry with more details for Brotzell Tiger King!