Hi! It’s me! I’ve been having technological problems for like a month. *Cringe face*

You might have already heard my whine about this. You can ignore this post. I only post about it everywhere to make sure that people get a chance and I don’t have to hear anyone else whine that they missed it. *Winky face*

The happy news is that I’m having a “boring” sale because I just have no more energy left in me to do something complicated or involved. It’s not a “boring” sale because my patterns are boring (they’re awesome!) and it’s not because I’m boring. It could really be called an uncomplicated sale.

For the rest of April 2023 you’ll get an automatic 30% discount on all of my 300+ patterns on Ravelry and Etsy.
You won’t need a code, but you will need to add patterns to your cart to see the discount apply.
EBooks are excluded because they are already discounted bundles (almost all of them are more than 30% anyway).

Samples in header photo: Evelyn’s Motif, Double Wedding Rings, Heart Levels 40, Purpureus Grandiflorus, Braided Chain Scarf, Summer Direction, Cruise Whales, Lips 40, Dream A Dream, Book Dragon (crocheted by Angela), Comfort Cat (crocheted by Marjolijn), April Gnome (well, just the flowers lol), Moonlight on the City Shawl, Blooming Owl Wall Hanging, April Knot, August Gnome, Garden Mandala, Prairie Meadow Fox (crocheted by Angela), Large Tranquil Leaves Runner (crocheted by Sheryl Dunbar), and Coffee Time Wall Hanging.

Don’t forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway

I’ll be giving away one Grand Prize of thirty patterns, three runner-up prizes of three patterns, and thirty small prizes of a single pattern.

Technical Ridiculousness

If you haven’t heard it elsewhere, and you’re interested: I thought I finally got my newsletter working again. Then I sent out a newsletter announcing my “boring” sale and promptly received a flood of email notifications telling me there were problems. I know *some* of you received the email but I have no idea how many emails went through.

I also was trying to fix some formatting weirdness on my site. After migrating hosts they warned me that some links and media would need to be fixed. I thought it might be easier to fix the weird footer by installing a new theme. I had NO IDEA that this would make my blog start from scratch.

My website was down for 4 minutes while it wiped everything and then it was down for 8 minutes while I uploaded my backup to put it all back the way it was. *more cringe face*

Then I found out it automatically shared a bunch of useless gibberish to my Facebook page. I deleted those but for some reason when I viewed it on my phone versus my computer I saw a different set of posts so I’m not even 100% sure I got them all.

I was also told that this sent out email notifications. I can’t take those back, but you can ignore the useless “new blog post” email because it’s already gone.

I’m feeling very technologically challenged and exhausted lately. I swear, I am clever! I mostly know what I’m doing.

And so, I’ve switched newsletter hosts again. I’ve transported my current email list to the new provider but there may be hiccups. I *think* this will be a smoother transition than the other times I’ve tried (mostly because I’m so much more knowledgeable about what could go wrong lol).

New New Newsletter Host 😉

If you’d like to make sure you’re signed up you can enter your email below. I am pretty sure all my contacts moved over properly but there’s always gotta be at least something that doesn’t turn out the way I expected.

Blog Subscription

You can also subscribe to my blog directly (you’d get this post directly to your email). But the newsletter (above) sometimes includes special discount codes. I think if you’re a frequent wordpress user you may like to subscribe to the blog, otherwise the newsletter option would be better.

That’s Enough For Now

I’m going to get my next pattern ready for publishing now!! I’ve also got some patterns to send to my testers and I’m really eager to get back to my list of patterns to update (to fix weird formatting or remove those interlocking mesh dots, etc).