Ashlee’s 2024 Summary of Crochet Patterns

I’m sure you’ve seen a few of these summary posts from other designers lately.

It’s really rewarding and eye-opening to look back and remember all that you’ve accomplished in a year! Sometimes it can give us guidance for the next year (either in the form of inspiration or a warning lol) and sometimes it’s just a highlight reel of good things.

I have a terrible memory, so I like to take the time and actually approach it all with logic and lists. I want to know what I did well and what I’m looking forward to changing in the future.

I like to see if my goals and expectations for the previous year were accurate, so I usually start by reading the previous year’s summary. See 2023’s summary here.

Sometimes this information is not exciting for you guys, but I put it here for me anyway.

Come on the journey with me if you’d like!

2024 Summary

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You’ll also have access to my Doctor Who blanket pattern!

How Many New Designs in 2024?

If you ask a crochet designer to summarize their previous year, I think it’s likely that you’ll hear a total number of designs as one of the important bits.

The first pattern I published for 2024 was “Ashlee’s 2024 Block“. But I actually published it December 22, 2023. I’m still counting it as the beginning for the purposes of tracking my 2024 things.

The last pattern I published in 2024 was technically “Ashlee’s 2025 Block” but I’m not counting that in 2024, it will be part of 2025’s list.

The 2nd-last pattern I published in 2024 was January Dragon” and I’m not counting that one either because it’s part of 2025’s “Year of…” series. “January Dog” was published December 23, 2023 but I’m including it in 2024’s list because it’s part of 2024’s “Year of…” series. 

See how we are already making things complicated? Sorry, not sorry. It’s logical to me so that’s what I’m doing.

Ok, So How Many?

Without further ado, my big number for 2024 was 24 new patterns! What a fun coincidence!

I held two Crochet-A-Longs, The Paw Purse CAL and Ashlee’s Snowflake CALThe snowflake was an old pattern, so it doesn’t count in our list of new designs.

I created one eBook of 12 dog squares which included a bonus all-in-one blanket pattern (so I guess that’s 25 patterns? But I didn’t really draw the blanket – I used the dog squares I had already drawn).

I created a little square for the 2024 Crochet Blanket Summit too, but I haven’t yet made that publicly available (so 26 patterns now?).

And I published 9 of the Beloved Alphabet blankets which all have left-handed patterns included (so that feels like I’m making double the amount of pattern but there’s just one listing for each letter).

I didn’t publish anything larger than the toddler-sized Beloved Alphabet blankets and that’s actually a bit surprising! I’ll definitely need to get a few more blankets out there soon!

Top 10

It’s been surprsing to see which old designs are selling well this year!

It surprised me seeing the differences between the platforms. This is part of my nerdy geek coming through – I like looking at statistics. 

Thank you for continuing to support me through a slower year!

Ravelry’s Top 10 in 2024

  1. Double Wedding Rings
  2. Book Dragon
  3. Harmony Mandala
  4. 2024: A Year of Dogs
  5. Bubbles the Sea Turtle
  6. The Paw Purse
  7. Belle to Infinity
  8. Prairie Meadow Fox
  9. Blooming Owl Wall Hanging
  10. 2023: A Year of Celtic Knots

Etsy’s Top 10 in 2024

  1. Book Dragon
  2. Double Wedding Rings
  3. Bubbles the Sea Turtle
  4. Prairie Meadow Fox
  5. Coffee Time Wall Hanging
  6. Seamless Footballs
  7. 2023: A Year of Celtic Knots
  8. Comfort Cat
  9. Long Hauler
  10. Harmony Mandala

Are you crocheting one of my designs? I’d love to see it. Tag me on social media or join one of my groups!

The first Facebook icon takes you to my public page, the second Facebook icon goes to my private group.

How Many Old Designs Were Updated?

Just like in 2023, some of my designing time in 2024 went towards updating my old patterns.

I wasn’t as skilled or professional when I first started designing in 2020 and a lot of those older designs still need a facelift. The to-do list is LONG!

People have also made it known that they prefer the solid mosaic crochet option (rather than the mosaic crochet option that uses the same chart as the interlocking crochet option and then you can see all the interlocking mesh dots everywhere). So I’ve been slowly updating my old patterns and my old webpages.

I wish I had gotten more updated this year, but here’s the short list:

Ok, ok, it’s a REALLY short list. I have 2 other old designs in testing right now for the updated, solid mosaic part. But that’s still a much shorter list than 2023’s list of updates.

The truth is I didn’t keep a very good record of what I had been updating and there were a few other patterns that got updated but I can’t remember which ones. Plus there were a lot more webpages that got updated (without touching the actual patterns).

Maxi Tiles

Other Than Patterns, What Else Did You Create?

I draw patterns but I also create tutorials and tips and tricks walk-thru videos for some of my designs. (Plus the events and milestones).

Tutorials I Made in 2024:

Joining Squares

Videos on YouTube:


I also did a few games, videos, promotions, etc surrounding my 4th Designaversary.

2024’s Events

Typically my job as a crochet designer doesn’t involve office hours or public appearances. I sell online so I’m always open but not actually required to be ‘on’ 24/7.

However, in 2024 I did teach an in-person class on overlay mosaic crochet at the local yarn store, Prairie Lily KnittingIt was definitely outside my comfort zone but I think it went well.

I also participated in the 2024 Crochet Blanket Summit. This event was all online but it took a huge chunk of time as I prepared the presentation (and a new little square) and then did the promotion during the event.

Prairie Lily Knitting Mosaic Crochet Class using Tumbling Curls

It was fun to teach this class but I think I prefer video tutorials!

Personal Events

A summary of 2024 would be incomplete if I didn’t mention the stressful chaos that was occuring in my personal life.

I don’t want to re-live it all so I’ll spare you the details but we finally decided to move and took possession of our new home in mid-October of 2024.

The move was good, but also extra stress.

I might blame the move for more than it’s actually responsible for because it’s easier to say I didn’t accomplish my goals by blaming an impromptu move.

I truly felt behind all year. I was trying to keep up and catch up and slow down and catch my breath and it was just impossible.

So much of my ‘to-do’ list for 2024 got put aside and ignored because it just wasn’t a priority. Priorities change and that’s ok, but it’s a bit sad looking at the list and seeing just how much I didn’t accomplish.

I didn’t even finish crocheting my daughter’s birthday gift! Her birthday was in August and we were in full-panic mode of need to move, need to find somewhere, etc and busy with my work stuff and I told her I’d finish it by the end of the month. That came and went so I said ‘by the end of the year’. And that’s passed too now. 

It’s ok. 2025 is going to be much better! 😉

Old home and new home

We moved from a 2-bedroom trailer on a double lot (see all the nice empty space!) to a 3-bedroom home. It’s quite an expensive upgrade and wasn’t really in the long-term plan but we have new plans now! lol

2024’s Milestones

I didn’t have time to strive for these milestones but they happened anyway!

  • Reached 10 thousand subscribers on YouTube
  • Reached almost 10 thousand subscribers in my Facebook Group


YouTube 10K

On-Purpose Milestones

The goals I had were to do a lot of crocheting, a lot of updating my old blog posts that (still) aren’t working right, and to do a good job of the art on my new patterns.

A HUGE amount of time and energy went into creating my webshop.

I do everything myself. I do my own drawing, my own pattern writing, my own web development, my own taxes, etc. The website might have been a bigger bite than I was prepared for!

I had wanted to create this a few years ago but as of September 2024 it was finally ready. I actually have a few small, unpopular patterns that haven’t been added there yet. I wanted to crochet them and get better pictures before sticking them on my website (although they are on Ravelry right now anyway).

But I am so happy it’s live!

Webshop Screenshot


Without getting too far into the details, I like to be slightly open on how finances are going. Mostly for my own memory but I also do get asked these questions often enough that I know people are super curious.

You can see my history in the 2023 summary.

Comparing 2023 to 2024

Overall, after a few years of growth, 2024 seems to be a bit stagnant.

I’m reluctant to admit this is the first year I’ve made less than the previous year.

I increased my expenses by creating my own webshop and being forced to pay extra Etsy fees and I grossed almost the same as 2023. Which ultimately leaves a total number that is less than 2023’s number.

Platform vs platform

In the past Ravelry was the best platform for me. I earned the most there and paid the least amount of fees.

In 2022 about 86% of my sales came from Ravelry.

I didn’t make a note about the percentages in 2023, but in 2024 I can see that Ravelry is accounting for about 53% of my sales.

I did add my webshop in September but that’s only bringing in about 5% of my sales so far (which is pretty good since it’s brand new and has only been live a few months).

Ravelry Stats for 2024

As I already mentioned, the percentage of sales coming from Ravelry has dropped dramatically.

That wouldn’t be so bad if my overall total number of sales had gone up… but that number has actually gone down this year.

I attribute this decline to my inability to get super cool patterns published this year. I did keep up with the dog squares but there were no full-size blankets and the Beloved Alphabet blankets have a smaller number of potential clients.

Etsy Stats for 2024

According to the statistics page on Etsy comparing 2023 to 2024 I made 1% less revenue and had 19% less visits. I was also forced to pay for their off-site ads and a new Canadians-only fee so the fees I paid went up from 2023.

That’s not great news, but I’ve heard from other crochet designers and other small businesses in general that 2024 was a hard year. So I’m actually pleased that it was only a 1% decrease.

They tell me I sold to 988 cities in 31 countries – which is pretty impressive!

Looking Ahead to 2025

Most of 2025’s to-do list is things that were on 2024’s list.

I split my time between mom/household/homeschooling things and business things.

For my business, I split my time between computer tasks (like social media, drawing new designs, turning those into actual patterns, updating my website, customer support, etc) and crocheting.

I had really hoped to do a lot more crocheting in 2024. It was something I felt I was missing in 2023. But that didn’t work so well.

So, hopefully in 2025 I can get more crocheting done! (I’d actually like to do more knitting as well!)


2025’s MUST-DO List

  • Design, crochet, & publish the Year of Dragons
  • Design & publish the rest of the Beloved Alphabet blankets (thank you, testers!)
  • Keep up with posting on social media & doing customer support
  • 5th Designaversary in April (promos? games? giveaways?)
  • 2025 October Mystery Design
  • Prepare Ashlee’s 2026 Block

    2025’s Hope-to-do List

    • Crochet the all-in-one gnome blanket from 2021 (probably mosaic technique)
    • Publish at least 2 larger blankets
    • Host at least one CAL (possibly the one I have recorded step-by-step videos for… I have 4 hours of finished video ready, just need to finish the next 4 hours of video which takes about 40 hours to create lol)
    • Publish my Wednesday Alphabet (a small cursive alphabet I’ve been working on for over a year)

      2025’s Probably-Not-But-It-Could-Happen List

      • Crochet the all-in-one Dr Who blanket (it would be nice to see the new seasons as well… I’m really behind on that series)
      • Finish updating all my old blog pages so they function as I had expected and link to my new webshop (I’ll definitely work on this, but I don’t know if I’ll finish)