Year of Gnomes Banner
Free Pattern using solid, adjusted mosaic crochet option
In 2021 I released a new gnome square each month. Months later, a request came in for a title banner.
The original squares were designed first as interlocking crochet patterns and the mosaic crochet versions of each square used the same chart. This updated pattern uses an adjusted chart: the interlocking mesh dots have been removed and the extra border lines have also been removed. This pattern includes right-handed and left-handed instructions so that the words remain legible for everyone.
There is no chart here in the free online version of this pattern, but there is an X-marked chart included in the PDF file found in my Facebook Group Files (now on my webshop too!). The interlocking crochet banner and original overlay mosaic crochet banner can also be found as free files in my Facebook group or downloaded from my website.
Left-Handed Option
Anytime there are words on my patterns I create a written pattern for left-handed crocheters as well. You can see my entire selection of patterns that have a left-handed version here on Ravelry:
Free Year of Gnomes Banner Pattern
If you’re unfamiliar with the overlay mosaic crochet technique, I suggest you start with some smaller tutorials and practice squares first.
Overlay mosaic crochet is the one where you cut the yarn at the end of every row. There are tutorials out there for adjustments if you don’t want to cut your yarn, but I don’t personally have any tutorials on those techniques yet.
Year of Gnomes
The original gnome squares were designed first as interlocking crochet patterns. The overlay mosaic crochet versions of each square used the interlocking chart but were written for the mosaic crochet technique.
In July 2022 I updated each monthly gnome square to include a 3rd option: the adjusted overlay mosaic crochet pattern.
Months after the “Year of Gnomes” was finished, a request came in for a title banner. I created the banner and added the free interlocking and overlay mosaic crochet patterns to the files in my Facebook group, Ashlee Brotzell Designs and on my website here (also on my Webshop now!).
Now that I’ve added an adjusted mosaic crochet version of every square I’ve also created an adjusted mosaic crochet version of the free title banner.
You can view the new adjusted mosaic crochet pattern here or you can download the PDF (including a chart) in my Facebook group files or from my webshop!
Adjusting Size
Yarn weight and hook size can easily be adjusted, just keep in mind your finished project will use a different amount of yarn and be a different finished size.
If you share your works on Instagram, I’d love for you to tag me: @AshleesLint
Quick reminder (probably telling the people that don’t need to know): copyright status applies to free patterns as well.
You can see my copyright statement here:
Year of Gnomes Banner Important Details
- US crochet terminology
- Chart is 239 x 37
- Finished measurements approximately 60” x 9” / 152cm x 23cm
- 5 mm hook (H-8)
- Worsted weight yarn (875 – 1375 yards)
- Main color (blue on chart) – 375 yards
- Contrasting color (white on chart) – 500 yards
- Optional Envelope Border – 500 yards
- Gauge: 14 stitches x 15 rows = 4”
Key (US terminology)
CC = Contrasting Color: second color used, light colored yarn suggested
ch = chain
DC = double crochet: yarn over, insert hook, pull up a loop, *yarn over, pull through two loops* twice
dc = dropped double crochet: skip next single crochet, and instead double crochet into Front Loop of stitch in the row
ES = End Stitch: single crochet under both loops, chain 1, cut yarn and pull through tightly
FSC = foundation single crochet: chain 2, insert hook in first chain, yarn over and pull a loop through, yarn over and pull
through one loop (chain made), yarn over and pull through remaining 2 loops (SC made); to make the next stitch insert
your hook into the chain made previously
JS = Joining Stitch: create slip knot, insert hook under both loops, complete a normal single crochet
SC = single crochet: insert hook, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through both loops on hook
sc = SC into Back Loop only
MC = Main Color: first color used, black or dark yarn suggested
Bracket Help
For an explanation of how to use the brackets:
Mosaic Technique
Please see the YouTube tutorial for more details. I use a single-row mosaic technique.
- The front of your work is always facing you (this is the right side, the side showing the design)
- You are always working from the right to the left (opposite for left-handed crocheters)
- You tie on a new yarn at the beginning of each row and cut it at the end
- Tails don’t need to be longer than an inch and a half (unless you want to use them as fringe, like on a scarf)
- Yarn colors can be anything you like
- They need to contrast well (try a black and white photo to see if they are too similar)
- They need to be the same weight (size/thickness)
- I prefer using a foundation SC to create my foundation row because then I have tails on both sides of my work just like all the other rows will have
- Even-numbered rows use MC; odd-numbered rows use CC
This tutorial explains the two stitches needed for overlay mosaic crochet.
In the written pattern, I write “sc” for single crochet but we know that other than the first and last stitch of each row all of the single crochet stitches in the body of the pattern go into the Back Loop Only.
In the written pattern, I write “dc” for double crochet but we know it is really a Double Crochet in the Front Loop Only Dropped Two Rows Below.
Year of Gnomes Banner – Adjusted Overlay Mosaic Crochet
Right-Handed Pattern Begins Here
Foundation Row (Row 0): use Main Color (MC) (black on the chart)
Use the foundation SC technique to create 241 FSC. Or chain 242, SC in 2nd chain from hook and SC all the way back across. Cut and tie off.
Switch to Contrasting Color (CC) {Even- rows use MC; odd-numbered rows use CC}
1 – JS, sc239, ES
2 – JS, dc1, sc237, dc1, ES
3 – JS, sc1, dc55, sc11, dc31, sc11, dc47, sc3, dc3, sc7, dc69, sc1, ES
4 – JS, dc1, sc55, dc11, sc31, dc11, sc47, dc3, sc3, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc69, dc1, ES
5 – JS, sc1, dc5, sc15, dc7, sc11, dc5, sc7, dc5, sc11, dc1, sc5, dc11, sc11, dc3, sc11, dc1, sc5, dc11, sc15, dc15, sc3, (dc1, sc5) x2, dc67, sc1, ES
6 – JS, dc1, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc3, sc7, dc11, sc5, dc7, sc7, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc11, dc11, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc11, dc15, sc15, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc67, dc1, ES
7 – JS, sc1, dc3, sc9, dc1, sc9, dc3, sc15, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc15, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc19, dc13, sc3, dc1, sc3, dc5, sc3, dc67, sc1, ES
8 – JS, dc1, sc3, dc5, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc5, sc3, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc15, sc3, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc13, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc67, dc1, ES
9 – JS, sc1, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc1, sc7, (dc3, sc9) x2, dc1, sc9, dc5, sc9, dc1, sc19, dc1, sc7, dc5, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc13, sc3, (dc1, sc5) x2, dc67, sc1, ES
10 – JS, dc1, sc1, dc7, sc3, dc11, sc1, dc5, sc7, (dc7, sc3) x2, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc1, (dc7, sc5) x2, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc13, dc3, sc3, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc69, dc1, ES
11 – JS, sc1, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc7, dc5, (sc7, dc3) x2, sc9, dc5, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc1, (sc7, dc5) x2, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc11, sc3, dc3, sc7, dc69, sc1, ES
12 – JS, dc1, sc1, dc9, sc13, dc7, sc7, dc5, sc3, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc11, dc3, sc1, (dc7, sc5) x2, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc11, dc3, sc79, dc1, ES
13 – JS, sc1, dc1, sc19, dc3, sc7, dc7, sc5, dc3, sc7, (dc3, sc9) x2, dc3, sc5, dc9, sc5, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc5, sc7, dc5, sc9, dc9, sc7, dc15, (sc3, dc1) x2, (sc7, dc5) x2, sc7, dc23, sc1, ES
14 – JS, dc1, sc3, dc17, sc17, dc5, sc3, dc7, (sc3, dc9) x2, sc3, dc3, sc11, dc5, sc1, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc11, dc3, sc17, (dc3, sc1) x3, dc3, (sc5, dc7) x2, sc23, dc1, ES
15 – JS, sc1, dc3, sc19, dc1, sc19, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc23, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc1, sc19, dc3, sc13, dc1, sc9, dc7, sc3, dc1, sc3, dc17, sc3, dc1, sc7, dc1, sc3, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc7, dc23, sc1, ES
16 – JS, dc1, sc13, dc9, sc1, dc19, sc1, dc7, sc3, dc15, sc1, (dc7, sc3) x2, dc9, sc1, dc11, sc1, dc7, sc3, dc13, sc3, dc7, sc7, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc17, (dc3, sc3) x3, (dc3, sc5) x2, dc3, sc25, dc1, ES
17 – JS, sc1, dc3, (sc9, dc1) x2, sc19, dc1, sc25, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc19, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc13, dc3, sc7, dc7, sc7, dc17, sc3, dc3, sc9, dc3, (sc3, dc5) x2, sc3, dc25, sc1, ES
18 – JS, dc1, sc3, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc1, dc5, sc9, dc5, sc1, dc25, sc1, dc5, sc5, dc17, sc3, dc11, sc1, dc5, sc21, dc7, sc9, dc3, sc19, dc3, sc3, dc5, sc15, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc25, dc1, ES
19 – JS, sc1, dc3, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc5, sc7, dc1, sc25, dc1, sc5, dc5, sc17, dc3, sc11, dc1, sc5, dc5, (sc7, dc9) x2, sc3, dc19, sc3, dc3, sc5, dc1, sc3, dc3, sc11, dc5, sc3, dc25, sc1, ES
20 – JS, dc1, sc3, dc7, (sc5, dc5) x3, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc5, sc7, dc13, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc5, sc5, dc7, sc9, dc7, sc31, (dc3, sc3) x3, (dc3, sc5) x2, dc3, sc25, dc1, ES
21 – JS, sc1, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc9, dc5, sc15, dc5, sc7, dc5, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc5, sc13, dc5, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc13, dc5, sc7, dc27, sc9, dc1, sc9, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc7, dc23, sc1, ES
22 – JS, dc1, sc5, dc5, sc1, dc5, sc11, dc11, sc21, dc3, sc7, dc7, sc25, dc3, sc7, dc7, sc1, dc13, sc5, dc5, sc29, dc5, sc1, dc3, sc1, dc7, sc7, dc7, sc5, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc23, dc1, ES
23 – JS, sc1, dc5, sc11, dc11, sc11, dc21, sc3, dc7, sc7, dc25, sc3, dc7, sc7, dc1, sc13, dc3, sc7, dc29, sc5, dc1, sc3, dc1, sc7, dc7, sc7, dc3, sc5, dc1, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc3, sc5, dc1, sc1, ES
24 – JS, dc1, sc119, dc11, sc5, dc7, sc63, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc7, dc5, sc3, dc5, sc1, dc1, ES
25 – JS, sc1, dc119, sc11, dc5, sc7, dc61, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc5, sc5, dc3, sc5, dc1, sc1, ES
26 – JS, dc1, sc121, dc5, sc9, dc5, sc63, dc7, sc1, dc7, (sc7, dc1) x2, sc3, dc1, ES
27 – JS, sc1, dc121, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc63, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc7, sc9, dc3, sc1, ES
28 – JS, dc1, sc123, dc5, sc3, dc7, sc87, dc9, sc3, dc1, ES
29 – JS, sc1, dc123, sc15, dc87, sc9, dc3, sc1, ES
30 – JS, dc1, sc225, (dc3, sc3) x2, dc1, ES
31 – JS, sc1, dc225, (sc3, dc3) x2, sc1, ES
32 – JS, dc1, sc227, dc1, sc3, dc1, sc5, dc1, ES
33 – JS, sc1, dc227, sc5, dc5, sc1, ES
34 – JS, dc1, sc227, dc5, sc5, dc1, ES
35 – JS, sc1, dc227, sc5, dc5, sc1, ES
36 – JS, dc1, sc237, dc1, ES
Trim the fringe, if needed.
Add optional envelope border (YouTube tutorial:
Year of Gnomes Banner – Adjusted Overlay Mosaic Crochet
Left-Handed Pattern Begins Here
Foundation Row (Row 0): use Main Color (MC) (black on the chart)
Use the foundation SC technique to create 241 FSC. Or chain 242, SC in 2nd chain from hook and SC all the way back across. Cut and tie off.
Switch to Contrasting Color (CC) {Even- rows use MC; odd-numbered rows use CC}
1 – JS, sc239, ES
2 – JS, dc1, sc237, dc1, ES
3 – JS, sc1, dc69, sc7, dc3, sc3, dc47, sc11, dc31, sc11, dc55, sc1, ES
4 – JS, dc1, sc69, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc3, dc3, sc47, dc11, sc31, dc11, sc55, dc1, ES
5 – JS, sc1, dc67, (sc5, dc1) x2, sc3, dc15, sc15, dc11, sc5, dc1, sc11, dc3, sc11, dc11, sc5, dc1, sc11, dc5, sc7, dc5, sc11, dc7, sc15, dc5, sc1, ES
6 – JS, dc1, sc67, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc15, dc15, sc11, dc5, sc3, dc7, sc5, dc11, sc11, dc5, sc3, dc7, sc7, dc7, sc5, dc11, sc7, dc3, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc1, ES
7 – JS, sc1, dc67, sc3, dc5, sc3, dc1, sc3, dc13, sc19, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc15, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc15, dc3, sc9, dc1, sc9, dc3, sc1, ES
8 – JS, dc1, sc67, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc13, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc15, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc5, sc3, dc1, ES
9 – JS, sc1, dc67, (sc5, dc1) x2, sc3, dc13, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc5, sc7, dc1, sc19, dc1, sc9, dc5, sc9, dc1, (sc9, dc3) x2, sc7, dc1, sc11, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc1, ES
10 – JS, dc1, sc69, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc3, dc3, sc13, dc9, sc3, (dc7, sc5) x2, dc7, sc1, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc5, dc9, (sc3, dc7) x2, sc7, dc5, sc1, dc11, sc3, dc7, sc1, dc1, ES
11 – JS, sc1, dc69, sc7, dc3, sc3, dc11, sc11, dc3, (sc7, dc5) x2, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc5, sc9, (dc3, sc7) x2, dc5, sc7, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc1, ES
12 – JS, dc1, sc79, dc3, sc11, dc9, (sc5, dc7) x3, sc1, dc3, sc11, dc5, sc3, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc7, dc7, sc13, dc9, sc1, dc1, ES
13 – JS, sc1, dc23, (sc7, dc5) x2, sc7, (dc1, sc3) x2, dc15, sc7, dc9, sc9, dc5, sc7, dc5, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc5, dc9, sc5, (dc3, sc9) x2, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc5, dc7, sc7, dc3, sc19, dc1, sc1, ES
14 – JS, dc1, sc23, (dc7, sc5) x2, (dc3, sc1) x3, dc3, sc17, dc3, sc11, dc9, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc9, sc3, dc7, sc1, dc5, sc11, dc3, (sc3, dc9) x2, sc3, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc17, dc17, sc3, dc1, ES
15 – JS, sc1, dc23, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc3, dc1, sc7, dc1, sc3, dc17, sc3, dc1, sc3, dc7, sc9, dc1, sc13, dc3, sc19, dc1, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc3, sc23, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc19, dc1, sc19, dc3, sc1, ES
16 – JS, dc1, sc25, (dc3, sc5) x2, (dc3, sc3) x3, dc3, sc17, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc7, dc7, sc3, dc13, sc3, dc7, sc1, dc11, sc1, dc9, (sc3, dc7) x2, sc1, dc15, sc3, dc7, sc1, dc19, sc1, dc9, sc13, dc1, ES
17 – JS, sc1, dc25, (sc3, dc5) x2, sc3, dc3, sc9, dc3, sc3, dc17, sc7, dc7, sc7, dc3, sc13, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc19, dc3, sc7, dc1, sc25, dc1, sc19, (dc1, sc9) x2, dc3, sc1, ES
18 – JS, dc1, sc25, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc15, dc5, sc3, dc3, sc19, dc3, sc9, dc7, sc21, dc5, sc1, dc11, sc3, dc17, sc5, dc5, sc1, dc25, sc1, dc5, sc9, dc5, sc1, dc7, sc3, dc9, sc3, dc1, ES
19 – JS, sc1, dc25, sc3, dc5, sc11, dc3, sc3, dc1, sc5, dc3, sc3, dc19, sc3, (dc9, sc7) x2, dc5, sc5, dc1, sc11, dc3, sc17, dc5, sc5, dc1, sc25, dc1, sc7, dc5, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc3, sc1, ES
20 – JS, dc1, sc25, (dc3, sc5) x2, (dc3, sc3) x3, dc3, sc31, dc7, sc9, dc7, sc5, dc5, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc13, sc7, dc5, sc3, dc9, sc5, dc7, (sc5, dc5) x3, sc5, dc7, sc3, dc1, ES
21 – JS, sc1, dc23, sc7, dc3, sc11, dc3, sc9, dc1, sc9, dc27, sc7, dc5, sc13, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc5, sc13, dc5, sc7, dc3, sc9, dc5, sc7, dc5, sc15, dc5, sc9, dc1, sc7, dc3, sc1, ES
22 – JS, dc1, sc23, dc3, sc1, dc3, sc5, dc7, sc7, dc7, sc1, dc3, sc1, dc5, sc29, dc5, sc5, dc13, sc1, dc7, sc7, dc3, sc25, dc7, sc7, dc3, sc21, dc11, sc11, dc5, sc1, dc5, sc5, dc1, ES
23 – JS, sc1, dc1, sc5, dc3, sc5, dc7, sc5, dc1, sc5, dc3, sc7, dc7, sc7, dc1, sc3, dc1, sc5, dc29, sc7, dc3, sc13, dc1, sc7, dc7, sc3, dc25, sc7, dc7, sc3, dc21, sc11, dc11, sc11, dc5, sc1, ES
24 – JS, dc1, sc1, dc5, sc3, dc5, sc7, dc3, sc5, dc3, sc63, dc7, sc5, dc11, sc119, dc1, ES
25 – JS, sc1, dc1, sc5, dc3, sc5, dc5, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc61, sc7, dc5, sc11, dc119, sc1, ES
26 – JS, dc1, sc3, (dc1, sc7) x2, dc7, sc1, dc7, sc63, dc5, sc9, dc5, sc121, dc1, ES
27 – JS, sc1, dc3, sc9, dc7, sc7, dc1, sc7, dc63, sc9, dc3, sc7, dc121, sc1, ES
28 – JS, dc1, sc3, dc9, sc87, dc7, sc3, dc5, sc123, dc1, ES
29 – JS, sc1, dc3, sc9, dc87, sc15, dc123, sc1, ES
30 – JS, dc1, (sc3, dc3) x2, sc225, dc1, ES
31 – JS, sc1, (dc3, sc3) x2, dc225, sc1, ES
32 – JS, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc3, dc1, sc227, dc1, ES
33 – JS, sc1, dc5, sc5, dc227, sc1, ES
34 – JS, dc1, sc5, dc5, sc227, dc1, ES
35 – JS, sc1, dc5, sc5, dc227, sc1, ES
36 – JS, dc1, sc237, dc1, ES
Trim the fringe, if needed.
Add optional envelope border (YouTube tutorial: