Free Patterns

Free or Paid

Whether free or paid, all designs are still protected by copyright.

Some of these are free PDF downloads, others are free to view on my website, or they have a free YouTube component.

Most of them also have a paid PDF option which is an excellent way to say thank you if you’ve enjoyed a pattern and are able to contribute.

Other ways to support a designer who offers free patterns are to invite others to visit the site where you can view the pattern (such as a link to YouTube or to my website).

I usually use my free patterns as a way to teach a new technique or to create an accessible crochet-a-long (CAL).

Interlocking & Mosaic

Most designs comes with an interlocking crochet option and an overlay mosaic crochet option; HOWEVER, sometimes the free option is only available in one technique and at other times you’ll get more than one option for free.

Doctor Who

The entire Doctor Who series I created is available for free (because that was the BBC’s caveat when I asked for permission to use their content in my designs).

Those patterns arem’t listed here because they have their own dedicated page.

Free Printable

“My Fabulous Crochet Day” is not a pattern so it doesn’t fit in the list below. But it is free!

Use this page to track your goals and progress on your next day of intense crocheting!

Free patterns are an excellent way to test whether you like a designer’s style.

After you have checked out my well-written patterns and amazing charts 😉 you should sign up for my newsletter so you never miss a new pattern release or free tutorial!

Plus, you’ll have access to special discount codes and my Doctor Who blanket pattern!

Free Designs

The Paw Purse

Ashlee's Snowflake CAL

Free: full written pattern on website for interlocking crochet and center-out overlay mosaic crochet

Paid: downloadable PDF for written patterns & charts for interlocking crochet, original bottom-up mosaic crochet, solidified mosaic crochet from the bottom-up, and solidified center-out mosaic crochet

Learn more about the differences between these techniques at

2024 Oct Mystery

October Mystery Pattern

Free: full written pattern on website for both techniques

Paid: downloadable PDF for written pattern & chart coming soon

The Paw Purse

The Paw Purse

Free: full written pattern on website & support videos on YouTube

Paid: downloadable PDF for written pattern & chart for both interlocking and mosaic crochet

Belle to Infinity, Mosaic Only

Free: full written pattern on website & support video on YouTube for first 11 rounds

Paid: downloadable PDF for written pattern & chart

Both free & paid options are for the center-out, overlay mosaic crochet technique only

Winter Trees Hooded Cowl CAL

Free: written pattern in both techniques, in 3 parts, on my website

Paid: written pattern & charts

October Mystery Designs

Free: written patterns in both techniques for 2024 (still a secret) and 2023 (key) in both techniques; 2021 (cat) in mosaic crochet only.

Paid: written pattern & charts for both techniques for 2021 & 2023.

Persistent Blossoms, Small Mosaic Square

Free: written pattern for small square, YouTube walk-thru

Paid: written pattern & charts for small and large squares

Persistent Blossoms, Small Interlocking Square

Free: written pattern for small square, YouTube walk-thru

Paid: written pattern & charts for small and large squares


Free: written online, full walk-thru on YouTube, PDF on Ravelry

Dream A Dream, Interlocking

Free: full video walk-thru on YouTube

Paid: downloadable PDF of written pattern & charts for both techniques

Dream A Dream, Mosaic

Free: full video walk-thru on YouTube

Paid: downloadable PDF of written pattern & charts for both techniques

Heart Levels 40, interlocking

Free: 2-part video walk-thru for interlocking crochet

Paid: written pattern & charts for both techniques

Heart Levels, Mosaic

Free: 2-part video walk-thru for center-out overlay mosaic crochet

Paid: written pattern & charts for both techniques

February Knot Mini-Square

Free: center-out, overlay mosaic crochet video

Paid: written and charts for both interlocking crochet & overlay mosaic crochet included in paid pattern for February Knot

Sonic Screwdriver

Free: full written pattern for BOTH techniques on my website, downloadable PDF for BOTH techniques in my Facebook Group, full walk-thru for interlocking crochet on YouTube

Rememberall the Doctor Who patterns are available for free!

Tardis 20

Free: full written pattern for BOTH techniques on my website, downloadable PDF for BOTH techniques in my Facebook Group, full walk-thru for interlocking crochet on YouTube

Rememberall the Doctor Who patterns are available for free!

Summer Direction CAL

Summer Direction CAL

Free for both techniques: full written pattern on my website & full video walk-thrus on YouTube

Paid: downloadable PDFs for written pattern & charts on Ravelry or Etsy

Year of Gnomes Banner

Free for three techniques.

Winter 2021 CAL

Free: written pattern for both techniques online

Paid: written and charts for both interlocking crochet & overlay mosaic crochet

Bonus Scratch Cat

Free: written pattern for both techniques online

Paid: written and charts for both interlocking crochet & overlay mosaic crochet

Lightning Squiggle

Free: full written pattern on my website & full video walk-thrus on YouTube & PDF available on Ravelry

Sunglasses Strip for Interlocking Crochet

Free: full written pattern on website, PDF download of charts & written on Ravelry


Free: written pattern for both techniques online

Paid: written & charts for both techniques

Lightning Squiggle

Free: written pattern for both techniques on website

Abstract Queen CAL

Free: full written pattern for both techniques available on website

Paid: downloadable PDF of written pattern & charts

Mosaic Coral Strip

Free: full written pattern on my website & full video walk-thrus on YouTube & PDF available on Ravelry

Star Trek 20

Sample crocheted by Kate Dudman.

Free for both techniques: PDF on Ravelry

Crochet project using white, red, and blue. Stripes on back, varying squares on the front. Sprawled across the grass.

Maxi Tiles

Free: written pattern & charts for both techniques

Paid: written pattern & charts for both techniques

Ashlee’s Christmas Tree Applique

Free: written pattern on website

PaidPDF on Ravelry

Heart Wreath 20

Sample crocheted by Kimberly Windsor-Johnson

Free: written pattern & charts for both techniques on Ravelry

Sparkle 40

Free: downloadable PDF on Ravelry for both techniques; full written pattern & charts

Center-Out Tutorial Squares

Free: YouTube video for each technique, pattern online & PDF on Ravelry

Tutorial Hearts

Free: online & PDF download

Practice Wave

Free: online & PDF download, walk-thru on YouTube

Interlocking Tutorial Square

Free: online & PDF download, walk-thru on YouTube