We are nearly done! There are 224 rows in this pattern but next week’s section has less rows than this week’s because we also need time to do that optional envelope border. If you’re skipping that option then you’ll have a slightly easier week next week.
If you’re new to my patterns, please note that this is the OVERLAY MOSAIC VERSION. Go back to the main landing page to find the links to the other sections or for the interlocking version.
The pattern KEY and other details can be found in Section 1. Remember, the width of this pattern is adjustable so you need to repeat between the asterisks (*) to get your required width; the blanket is designed to be six repeats wide.
If you’re looking for a chart (with X’s showing the dropped double crochets) you’ll need to purchase the pattern on Etsy or Ravelry. This free version online contains the written instructions only.
Use code “MILD20” to take 20% off your purchase of the pattern for the duration of the CAL (offer ends January 31, 2022).
{Even- rows use MC; odd-numbered rows use CC}
Continue from previous section. Repeat between the *s six (6) times for a blanket.
154 – JS, *sc3, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc15, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc2*, sc1, ES
155 – JS, *(dc1, sc5) x2, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc5*, dc1, ES
156 – JS, *sc3, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc7) x2, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc2*, sc1, ES
157 – JS, *(dc1, sc1) x5, dc1, sc13, (dc1, sc1) x4, dc1, sc1*, dc1, ES
158 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc11) x2, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
159 – JS, *dc1, sc1, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc1, dc1, sc13, dc1, sc1, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc1*, dc1, ES
160 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc11) x2, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
161 – JS, *dc1, sc9, dc1, sc13, dc1, sc9*, dc1, ES
162 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc11) x2, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
163 – JS, *sc12, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc11*, sc1, ES
164 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc11) x2, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
165 – JS, *dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x2, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc1) x2, dc1, sc9*, dc1, ES
166 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc11) x2, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
167 – JS, *dc1, sc1, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc1) x9, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc1*, dc1, ES
168 – JS, *sc5, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
169 – JS, *(dc1, sc1) x4, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc1*, dc1, ES
170 – JS, *sc11, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc10*, sc1, ES
171 – JS, *sc2, {(dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc5} x2, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc1*, sc1, ES
172 – JS, *sc1, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc5) x2, dc1, sc9, dc1*, sc1, ES
173 – JS, *dc1, sc3, (dc1, sc1) x5, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc1) x5, dc1, sc3*, dc1, ES
174 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
175 – JS, *sc6, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc5*, sc1, ES
176 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc7) x3, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
177 – JS, *sc4, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc3*, sc1, ES
178 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
179 – JS, *(dc1, sc1) x2, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x2*, dc1, ES
180 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
181 – JS, *sc6, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc5*, sc1, ES
182 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
183 – JS, *(dc1, sc1) x2, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc1, dc1, sc11, (dc1, sc1) x2*, dc1, ES
184 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
185 – JS, *sc6, (dc1, sc1) x4, dc1, sc5, (dc1, sc1) x4, dc1, sc5*, sc1, ES
186 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
187 – JS, *(dc1, sc1) x2, dc1, sc11, dc1, sc1, dc1, sc11, (dc1, sc1) x2*, dc1, ES
188 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
189 – JS, *sc6, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc5*, sc1, ES
190 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
191 – JS, *(dc1, sc1) x2, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x3, dc1, sc9, (dc1, sc1) x2*, dc1, ES
192 – JS, *sc34*, sc1, ES
193 – JS, *sc4, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc5, dc1, sc9, dc1, sc3*, sc1, ES
194 – JS, *sc5, (dc1, sc7) x3, dc1, sc4*, sc1, ES
See you next week!
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©? 2021 Ashlee Brotzell.
All rights reserved. This publication is protected under federal copyright laws. Reproduction or distribution, in whole or in part, in any medium, is strictly prohibited.
What does this mean?
This is an original pattern by Ashlee Brotzell. You may not copy, reproduce, sell, or share any part of it whether for profit or not. This includes, but is not limited to, the written pattern, the chart, and the photos. No translations or video tutorials are allowed.
Sales of your finished items are, of course, unrestricted (and I wish you all the best!). I appreciate credit given to the designer when possible but it is not a requirement. You may tag me @AshleesLint or direct people to my website www.ashleeslint.com