I was thinking today about how there are 3 types of crafters: product crafters, process crafters, and planning crafters.
Product crafters work towards an end goal of having a completed item. Sometimes they prefer small blocks that can be joined together because they get to be “done” lots of things before being done the big project. Immediate gratification is required.
Process crafters are in it for the long haul. They are pleased to have finished items as well, but it’s more about trying new stitches or keeping their hands busy.
Perhaps this one really requires two categories: process crafters who like repetition (think about dc blankets), and process crafters who like to explore (try this stitch, play with this new tool, figure out something new even if there is no finished product from it).
Planning crafters are those with too many patterns, too much yarn, too many wips, etc. They see potential projects everywhere but never seem to finish anything. Their creativity has filled up storage bins, shelves, closets, and entire rooms.
I think I have been all three at some point. Depending on what stage of life I am in. And I think I prefer to have some projects in each category so I choose what to work on based on my mood. ?
What about you? Can you think of other “types”? I just made these up based on what I know about myself and other crafters.
Procrastinating crafters…the one that have all the supplies, gets the out but never quite manages to start..always finding something (an excuse) to do instead.
I call that a “planning” crafter 🤣🤣 it makes me sound less guilty 😅