4th Designaversary Celebration

Celebrate with me!

In April 2020 I published my first pattern to Ravelry.

I had no idea this is where I would be four years later!

This has literally been a dream-come-true in so many ways and I’m so thankful for all the ways you have supported me. I know it’s cliche but truly, I could not have done this without you!

2024 Celebration Schedule

I hope you’ll enejoy the fun things I have for you this month! Giveaways, patterns, and games!

Ashlee's 4th Designaversary Celebration Is Now OVER








Subscribe to my newsletter to receive discount codes and be the first to know about new designs!

You’ll also have access to my Doctor Who blanket pattern!

Old News

I celebrated my first designing anniversary (‘Designaversary‘, if you will) in 2021. It’s all over and done with of course, but if you want to check it out see https://ashleeslint.com/2021/04/04/designaversary-celebration-sale/

Or look at my second Designaversary: https://ashleeslint.com/2022/04/03/2nd-year-designaversary-grand-prize-giveaway/

Or my third: https://ashleeslint.com/2023/03/29/3rd-year-designaversary-celebration/

Promo Has ENded








Grand Prize Giveaway

Use the Rafflecopter widget below to get your name entered for the Grand Prize giveaway!

This will be open all month long (just like the Bingo game). Now over.

Twenty Single-Pattern Prizes

Twenty people will win a pattern of their choice.

Four Pattern-Pack Prizes

Four people will each win a bundle of three patterns. You get to choose the patterns.

Grand Prize

One person will win the grand prize: thirty patterns of their choice!

Time until 4th draw








Bingo Game!

We’ll start the Bingo game on April 2 (to give our newest dog square a chance to shine first).

You will have all month to complete as many tasks as you can. #2024Ashlees4th

Print your card or use the digital template. Rules and details for each square are found below.


Bingo Details

I’ve written out a long explanation for each of the squares on the bingo card. Keep scrolling or use these quick links.

Bingo Prizes

I’ll make a random draw every Tuesday during my Designaversary month (the 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 31st of April 2024) from all entries up until that point.

April 9: one winner of a $10 CAD gift certificate to my Ravelry or Etsy shop.
Congratulations Mari Garcia Almquist!

April 16: one winner of a $10 CAD gift certificate to my Ravelry or Etsy shop.
Congratulations to Elizabeth Poad!

April 23: two winners of a $10 CAD gift certificate to my Ravelry or Etsy shop.
Congratulations to Susan Twohig & Donna Lucier!

April 30: two winners of a $10 CAD gift certificate to my Ravelry or Etsy shop.
Congratulations to Lia Hinne & Susan Twohig!

Bingo Rules

  • It’s a game, have fun!
  • One Bingo card per person (regardless of how many social media accounts or email addresses you have)
  • One complete column = one entry
  • One complete row = one entry
  • All four corners = one entry
  • Entries roll over to the next draw date if they aren’t picked (For example, if you complete one column by the 9th you’ll have one entry that day. If you aren’t picked as a winner on the 9th and get two more entries by the 16th, you’ll have three entries in the draw on the 16th.)
  • Some squares have special rules to be considered complete – make sure to read the details starting here. Some items will have an optional hashtag that I suggest as a way for us to connect with everyone.

How to Enter

To get your name in the draw you must share a photo of your bingo card, tell us how many entries it counts as (example: two completed rows and all four corners is three entries) and use the tag #2024Ashlees4th.

On Instagram: make sure your account is public or I may not be able to see the tag.

On Facebook: you can share from your page or your personal feed (make sure it’s public so I can see it) or you can share in the designated thread in my Facebook Group.


More Details on the Squares in Column B

Some of the squares are pretty self-explanatory and others need a bit more detail.

B1: Crochet “Tutorial Hearts 10” using interlocking crochet. Download the free pattern, follow the video tutorials, and crochet! Show off your finished square and celebrate your skills! #interlockingcrochet #tutorialhearts10

B2: Introduce yourself in my Facebook group. Whether you’ve been in the group since it started or you’ve just joined, introduce yourself in this thread.

B3: Queue a new project on Ravelry. I’d love it if it was one of my patterns but any pattern will do! #nextcrochetproject

B4: Visit me on Instagram. Come check me out @AshleesLint.

B5: Create a Ravelry project page for a pattern published in April. Similar to B3, any pattern from any designer will count. April has just begun, so it’s possible you may need to wait a bit to see what gets published this month. #newcrochetproject

More Details on the Squares in Column I

The letter “I” is tricky with some fonts, so I hope you can tell that all these options below start with the capital letter “i” and then the number refers to the place on the Bingo card.

I1: Practice self-care. What does this mean to you? Is it time to stretch your shoulders and take a break from crocheting? Is it time to relax with a new project? Have you drank enough water today? Be kind to yourself. <3 #selfcareisnotselfish

I2: Start a new project. Unlike B3 and B5, this one has to be an Ashlee Brotzell Design to count. I know there’s gotta be at least one pattern of mine that interests you enough to get it started! Show us your progress in my Facebook group or tag me on Instagram @AshleesLint. #newcrochetproject

I3: Like and follow my Facebook page. My public Facebook page is where I post about new patterns, remind you about old ones, and announce sales and promotions! https://www.facebook.com/ashleeslint

I4: Try a new stitch. If you haven’t yet tried interlocking crochet or overlay mosaic crochet, I definitely recommend one of those. If you’ve got those figured out already, try something else. Make a gauge swatch and celebrate your new skill! We’d love to see your new skill in my Facebook group but you can celebrate however you deem fit! #newcrochetskill

I5: Add a finished project photo to an album in my Facebook Group. I have over 300 patterns, and if you’ve managed to finish one we’d love to see it! Visit my Facebook group, head to the media tab, choose albums, and then find the album that belongs to the project you’ve just finished. Alternatively, once you’re in my FB group, try searching for the pattern name and the word ‘album’. In the results, make sure you click the “pattern title – album” link which should give you the opportunity to add your photo.

More Details on the Squares in Column N

N1: Introduce yourself in my Ravelry Group. This square is similar to B2. Check out my Ravelry group and introduce yourself in this thread.

N2: Use “My Fabulous Crochet Day”. This is a free printable I’ve created for you! Grab your free PDF here.

N3: Freebie. Does this need an explanation? Mark this square as done 😉

N4: Buy a new pattern. I’d love for you to purchase one of my patterns (of course), but I’m not picky about who you choose to support! It could be a crochet pattern, it could be a knitting pattern, it could be something you’ve had your eye on for awhile, it could be an impulse purchase. Optional: tell us which pattern you’ve acquired! You can find my patterns on Ravelry and Etsy.

N5: Subscribe to my YouTube channel. I believe you have to click the bell if you want to be notified when I publish new content (which I do recommend). I have video plans for this month so you’ll want to catch those! Even better, after subscribing, watch something! You could also leave a lovely comment or share your favorite video with a friend.

More Details on the Squares in Column G

G1: Join my Facebook Group. These squares are not necessarily listed in chronological order. In order to complete B2 and I5 you’ll need to be a member of my private Facebook group: Ashlee Brotzell Designs.

G2: Answer one of the Facebook polls. Patience is a virute with this one. I’ll be posting a few polls throughout the month. They’ll be clearly marked as part of this Bingo game.

G3: Weave in your ends. You know that project you’ve been meaning to deal with for awhile? Now’s your chance to finish it up. If you haven’t got a project needing some finishing touches then now’s your chance to start one (hello, I2) and then deal with the ends! #weaveintheends

G4: Join a CAL (Crochet-A-Long). There are always so many amazing CALs to join! It’s extra special when you can do one while everyone else is, but it’s also OK to work on something that was published a long time ago! Check out my CAL options at https://ashleeslint.com/cals or wait just a little bit for a new CAL announcement from me! 😉

G5: Knit something. Is this a trick? Ashlee, you’re a crochet pattern designer! Yes, that’s true. But I like encouraging people to try new things. It doesn’t really gain me anything but it does gain YOU a more flexible brain! #knitsomething

More Details on the Squares in Column O

Just like the “I” column, “O” can be tricky to read. These are not the number zero, they are the last letter in ‘BINGO’.

O1: Finish an old WIP (work in progress). You get to decide what counts as ‘old’ here. There’s also no requirements on craft or designer. Of course I do love to see my own patterns, but this month we want to see so much more than that! #finishedproject

O2: Subscribe to my newsletter. This is an important one for me. Facebook and Instagram have been known to have glitches and shut down accounts and that would mean I’d lose contact with you all! Trusting me with your email address means we’d still be connected. I don’t share or sell my list. Visit https://ashleeslint.com/newsletter to join.

O3: Share a project and tag @AshleesLint. This square requires you to do one of my patterns and then share about it on social media somehow. Facebook may try to change the tag to my Public Page name (Ashlee’s Interlocking and Mosaic Crochet Patterns) and that’s ok too.

O4: Enter the Designaversary Giveaway on Rafflecopter. Scroll up or click here to go to that widget.

O5: Crochet “Tutorial Hearts 10” using mosaic crochet. Just like square B1, download the free pattern, follow the video tutorials, and crochet! Show off your finished square and celebrate your skills! #overlaymosaiccrochet #tutorialhearts10

“My Fabulous Crochet Day” Free Printable

I created this freebie to celebrate my Designaversary with you! I wanted to give everyone a gift.

I’ve always been a really practical person and I didn’t want my gift to be something lame or boring but I also sell patterns to support my family and am already doing a bunch of pattern giveaways so I didn’t want to do more of the same.

This free download is yours to print as many times as you wish. You can even use the Canva template link to type directly on it or edit a few small things and make it more useful to you.

I hope you enjoy it!

The Paw Purse CAL

As part of my 4th Designaversary Celebration, I’ve created “The Paw Purse”!

This free CAL begins Apr 19, 2024. 

The written pattern will be available on my website for free in two parts for both interlocking crochet and overlay mosaic crochet.

The paid PDF will also be made available in full on April 19. Charts will be included along with the written patterns for both techniques.

I’ve also created a few support videos to help you along the way!

View all my old Crochet-A-Longs at ashleeslint.com/CALs

40% Discount on Old CAL’s (Promo Ended)

To celebrate the combination of my new CAL (The Paw Purse) and my Designaversay, I’ve put all my old CALs on sale!

Save an automatic 40% on these designs until the end of the month (11:59 pm CST April 30, 2024); no code needed; valid on Ravelry and Etsy.

  • 2020 Mother’s Day,
  • 2020 Father’s Day,
  • Abstract Queen,
  • MusicCAL,
  • Summer Direction,
  • WinterCal,
  • Magic Decanter,
  • Winter Trees Hooded Cowl,
  • Tumbling Curls,
  • The Paw Purse (will be added when it goes live on Apr. 19)
Title card with purple background. White label says Ashlee's The Paw Purse Part One next to 4 crocheted bags

The Paw Purse CAL: Part 1

This free CAL begins Apr 19, 2024. The paid PDF is now available in full as well.

The written pattern will be available on my website for free in two parts for either interlocking crochet or overlay mosaic crochet.

Title card with purple background. White label says Ashlee's The Paw Purse Part Two next to 4 crocheted bags

The Paw Purse CAL: Part 2

April 26, 2024

Part two of this Crochet-A-Long goes from round 25 onward.

The second set of support videos are available on YouTube now as well.

Designaversary Prize Winners!

Technology was not my friend as I tried to go live TWICE to announce these winners.

Oh well, you’ll have to settle for the typed-up list instead.

The Rafflecopter widget above should now show a list of names instead of allowing you to enter the contest.

It doesn’t allow me to separate the list into prizes. The first 20 names are our single-pattern winners. Then we have 4 winners of a 3-pack bundle. And our Grand prize winner is listed last.

The names are unconfirmed at the moment. I’m emailing the winners right away here and they must reply to me and confirm acceptance of the prize within 3 days or I’ll pick a new winner for their prize.

I don’t see an easy way to access those Rafflecopter Terms & Conditions for Ashlee’s 4 Designaversary Celebration so I’m copying them below.

Title card with purple background. White label says Ashlee's The Paw Purse Part Two next to 4 crocheted bags

Terms & Conditions

**Ashlee’s Fourth Designaversary Celebration**



1.  PROMOTION DESCRIPTION: The Ashlee’s Fourth Designaversary Celebration Raffle begins on April 1, 2024 at 12:00 AM CST and ends on May 1, 2024 at 12:00 AM CST (the “Promotion Period”).

The sponsor of this Raffle is Ashlee Brotzell (“Sponsor”). By participating in the Raffle, each Entrant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor, which shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor is responsible for the overall administration of the Raffle. Entrants should look solely to the Sponsor or its representatives with any questions, comments or problems related to the Raffle. Sponsor may be reached by email at [email protected] during the Promotion Period.

2.  ELIGIBILITY: The Raffle is open to anyone 13 years of age or older (the “Entrant”), in keeping with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.


Twenty (20) prizes will be awarded in the form of a personalized coupon code valid for 1 use on any single pattern listing (eBooks excluded) in Ashlee Brotzell Designs Ravelry store https://www.ravelry.com/designers/ashlee-brotzell to the email address or ravelry handle chosen by each winner, expiring March 31, 2025. Each prize has a variable worth depending on which pattern the winner chooses to redeem for.

Four (4) runner-up prizes will be awarded in the form of a personalized coupon code valid for three (3) uses on any single pattern listing (eBooks excluded) in Ashlee Brotzell Designs Ravelry store https://www.ravelry.com/designers/ashlee-brotzell to the email address or ravelry handle chosen by each winner, expiring March 31, 2025. Each prize has a variable worth depending on which pattern the winner chooses to redeem for.

One (1) Grand prize will be awarded in the form of a personalized coupon code valid for thirty (30) uses on any single pattern listing (eBooks excluded) in Ashlee Brotzell Designs Ravelry store https://www.ravelry.com/designers/ashlee-brotzell to the email address or ravelry handle chosen by each winner, expiring March 31, 2025. Prize has a variable worth depending on which patterns the winner chooses to redeem for.

Only one prize per person will be awarded.

Failure to comply with the Official Rules will result in forfeiture of the prize.

4. HOW TO ENTER: Enter the Raffle during the Promotion Period online by visiting the entry form, which can be found here.

Automated or robotic Entries submitted by individuals or organizations will be disqualified.
Internet entry must be made by the Entrant. Any attempt by Entrant to obtain more than the stated number of Entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations, logins or any other methods, including, but not limited to, commercial contest/Raffle subscription notification and/or entering services, will void Entrant’s Entries and that Entrant may be disqualified. Final eligibility for the award of Prize is subject to eligibility verification as set forth below. All Entries must be posted by the end of the Promotion Period in order to participate. Sponsor’s database clock will be the official timekeeper for this Raffle.

5. WINNER SELECTION: The Winner(s) of the Raffle will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible Entries received throughout the Promotion Period. The random drawing will be conducted on May 1, 2025, after the Promotion Period, by Sponsor or its designated representatives, whose decisions are final. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible Entries received.

6. WINNER NOTIFICATION: Winner will be notified by email at the email address provided in the Entry Information within 24 hours after the random drawing. Potential Winner must accept a prize by email as directed by Sponsor within 3 days of notification. Sponsor is not responsible for any delay or failure to receive notification for any reason, including inactive email account(s), technical difficulties associated therewith, or Winner’s failure to adequately monitor any email account.

Any winner notification not responded to or returned as undeliverable may result in prize forfeiture.

7. PRIVACY: Any personal information supplied by you will be subject to Ashlee Brotzell’s privacy policy and to Rafflecopter’s privacy policy. By entering the Raffle, you grant Sponsor permission to share your email address and any other personally identifiable information with Ashlee Brotzell solely for the purpose of administration and prize fulfillment. Only your name and/or Instagram handle will be shared publicly on our Winners list.

8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Sponsor assumes no responsibility or liability for (a) any incorrect or inaccurate entry information, or for any faulty or failed electronic data transmissions; (b) any unauthorized access to, or theft, destruction or alteration of entries at any point in the operation of this Raffle; (c) any technical malfunction, failure, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or communications line failure, regardless of cause, with regard to any equipment, systems, networks, lines, satellites, servers, camera, computers or providers utilized in any aspect of the operation of the Raffle; (d) inaccessibility or unavailability of any network or wireless service, the Internet or website or any combination thereof; (e) suspended or discontinued Internet, wireless or landline phone service; or (f) any injury or damage to participant’s or to any other person’s computer or mobile device which may be related to or resulting from any attempt to participate in the Raffle or download of any materials in the Raffle.

If, for any reason, the Raffle is not capable of running as planned for reasons which may include without limitation, infection by computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which may corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Raffle, the Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Raffle in whole or in part. In such event, Sponsor shall immediately suspend all drawings and prize awards, and Sponsor reserves the right to award any remaining prizes in a manner deemed fair and equitable by Sponsor. Sponsor and Released Parties shall not have any further liability to any participant in connection with the Raffle.

9. WINNER LIST: The Winner’s List will be posted online to [AshleesLint.com](https://ashleeslint.com) on May 7, 2024 after winner confirmations are complete. Winner’s list will also be shared to [Ashlee’s Interlocking and Mosaic Crochet Facebook Page](http://www.facebook.com/ashleeslint) and [AshleesLint on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/ashleeslint).

10. SPONSOR: Ashlee Brotzell, [email protected]